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Bild zeigt Autos der Firma Oehler

Did You miss something?

You have the feeling that Your car or bike finds the way between your apartment and your working place by itself? - Monotony and frustration are spreading?
Why not …

drink a glass of wine at the “alter Kranen” in Würzburg after work or jump into the Baltic Sea in the evening, maybe even enjoy a weekend in Berlin, Stuttgart or Frankfurt. – we can offer You that.

Here and there instead of always on the go – our business activities spreading besides of our location Crimmitschau to mainly central Germany as well as selected regions of Germany an even other EU countries like Bulgaria and Romania

What does that mean for you?

As a technical service provider, we do not stay at a construction site for a long period of time. We plan, program, design our systems in Crimmitschau and after that we put the system into operation at the costumer’s site, perform troubleshooting as well as maintenance.

So, between phases at the business premisses in Crimmitschau or depending on the field of activity in Your own home office, You are also on the road in different and interesting regions of Germany.

Remuneration follows the classification according to IG Metall Sachsen plus collectively agreed and voluntary company supplements.

You want to join our travel team? Take a look at our latest job offers or training opportunities!

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You can contact us at any time via the contact form or email to We will take care of your application immediately.

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Oehler Regeltechnik GmbH

We are professional providers with more than 30 years of experience and offer control, control cabinet, software, building control technology and system support from a single source.